Tuesday, July 08, 2008


It doesn’t take me to tell anyone that these are hard times. All you have to do is look outside the windows or just look down at your wallet to see the effects of a not so good economy. The high price of food, oil, clothes, gas and everything else that we need just keeps going up; but our salaries stay the same. I’ve notice with all these increases that what we find a decrease in something so humane, a positive correlation and that direct correctional decrease is in our compassion for those with less than ourselves. It’s a primal instinct to survive at any cost and that cost comes often at the ultimate expense of those who are just barely hanging on as is.

The faces of the homeless which we once could distinguish from one another, we might have even known theirs name; now becomes an almost blinding blur. We get a sort of amnesia for the visage of the deprived because our own financial dilemma produces a tunnel vision of selfishness. We have a quality of life that we have grown accustom to, now with all these uncertainty and unstableness we forget about our fellow man/woman/child. How the world changes over night or in one trading day. I wonder if the architect of life shakes his/her head at the creation of man.

“These are ever changing times”, when we have the working poor. Those with two and three jobs and still having problems making ends meat. I do not understand how we spend so much energy and effort devising ways on the destructions of others whiles the people starve. What matter of beings are we? I always ponder on that question when I see the entire negative and hateful things we do as human beings.

Today I reflect of the word “Compassion”. What does that mean? To the oil producing countries that profit while children all around the world starve look closely at your hands it’s not only covered in oil but blood. To the corporate titans who put profit over people; what is bottom-line of your souls? I also ask myself what can one man do to help his fellow man. What I can do save the planet for the next generations to come.

Compassion in world that seems to be compassionless I seek souls that is welling to carry the light of change, hope and love to this dark world. One day I hope that man will wake up be what we were meant to be, “the warden of the world, the protector of the planet, the feeders of his fellow men and light in void of nothingness.”

This there anything I do to help someone else do? Ask yourself that.


4GOTTEN1 said...

This hit home for me all my life all i have wanted to do was save the world. I just wanted to help people help themselves even the ones that didn't realize they needed the help. You asked our personal definition of compassion, well for me its simple. For me compassion is looking beyond yourself to help another regardless of how u previously felt. I know that seems like a tall order but it's necessary I think. I'm the kat that had five dollars in my pocket and gave the homeless man three and only kept two for myself for the bus ride home. Not sure if this makes any sense to you man but either way let me know.

Unknown said...

Well written...

Darius T. Williams said...

Stone - you ain't back to blogging...are you?

You probably have no idea who Darius is. Remember Jamal Franklin - yup, that's me! We hung out once in NYC. Went to dinner - me, you, Antar, and somebody else - can't quite remember. Then we ended up at some comedy/talent show that Derrick was hosting...remember?!!?!