Monday, January 07, 2008

Small Steps at a time

So the morning comes like clockwork each day presents fresh new beginnings. It’s like the life gives you a reset button everyday do with it as you may. Sometimes we all need to hit reset and look at what we’re are doing if its good make it better but if its lacking make it good. I’ve not been doing the things I needed to do, just allowing Fate to blow me in whatever direction she decided but I started to make a change. It’s easy to ignore the problem and hope it will go away by some strange magic but it takes strength to look it in the eye and say, “Hey Move”. So today I got to bullying Fate and I told her, “Wait a minute I am the master of my destiny and the king of my success.” So step by step I am going to make it. No big steps but small steps at a time because it all adds up in the end anyway.

1 comment:

antneya said...

Sounds like a great way to start 2008