Monday, November 24, 2008

I Waited!!!

I waited

You know I stayed at that same spot;

I waited through the weather that turn from cold to hot; from new buds to leaf drop. I never wavered nor did I blink. All of you my mind did think.

You know I told everyone that you would be back. I made the house ready hoping you would clean up your act.

I did everything that I was sure you'd be please. I did everything to make you feel at ease. You know I waited for you, I never lost hope. People laughed at me saying I was on dope. I waited on you because your arms felt like home. I waited on you because your kisses were as big as a full moon.

So I stayed and I looked out my window sun high I had clear sight. I waited by that window from morning to darkest night. Every figure took on your form; every movement seemed out of the norm.

You know I waited for you in snow, sleet and rain. You know I waited for you but you never came. I went to your articles I ran them through my fingers I went through your articles your smell in them still lingered. You know I waited for you with each moment my heart soared you know I waited for you but I can't wait anymore.


Troy said...

I am reading this post like you wrote it vicariously...for me!

I have felt all of those feelings before. And I have spoken these very words...

There is a song I wrote called must read it.

Darius T. Williams said...

That's right - one can only wait so long.

lc said...

i like this.