Thursday, August 17, 2006

World Trade Center... "the black out"

World Trade Center”, a must see but………

So the 9/11 Marine Hero is black. The filmmakers from the beginning for the creation of the film said how they wanted to make the film as authentic as possible; well they didn’t.

The Director Oliver Stone said they even had some of the actual people from the event was there on set. How the fuck can you miss a deal that one of the main character a “hero” of sort was black.

There is no excuse of such a deliberate plot to “blackout” the movie. I loved it I saw it twice in three days. I am so disappointed that golden opportunity was missed to give a black actor a role that portrayed a positive image of a “Black Man”. This is a shame I am sadden that even in the history books they are wiping out the things we hold proud. The name of the marine that came to the aid of his fellow Americans is Jason Thomas of Columbus, Ohio. So Mr. Thomas even if they fail to recognize you I solute you and this post is in honor of a real solider, a hero, and a friend to his fellow man. My hat is off to you.


Ladynay said...

I don't plan on watching the movie. But it's nice of you to gives props where they are due.

ShawnQt said...

Im glad you brought this to people attention, we need that!

admin said...

The movie was good. But the assumption was that a person who came to the rescue was white. Afterwards I read that the producer didn't realize the mistake until after the filming began. Sad that the crew didn't do the research.

Unknown said...

You are right and most definately on point. I know however that things will come to a point where our accopmlihments will have no choice but to be fully respected. Keep makin it do what it do!